Jones Day's PTAB Litigation Blog, Home page
When Might a PTAB Rehearing Be Granted?

When Might a PTAB Rehearing Be Granted?

By Sabrina Bellantoni and Matt Johnson - Recently, the Patent Trial and Appeals Board (“PTAB”) granted a request for rehearing of a decision that denied an institution of inter partes review and then instituted a trial on all the challenged claims on all the grounds...

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Federal Circuit Affirms Claim Construction and How It Applies

Federal Circuit Affirms Claim Construction and How It Applies

By Luke Cipolla, Matt Silveira, and Matt Johnson - In Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc. v. Personal Genomics Taiwan, Inc., the Federal Circuit recently affirmed two PTAB decisions in IPRs filed by Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc. (PacBio) that challenged...

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