by Doug Pearson | Nov 15, 2018 | PTAB News, Time Limits
By Doug Pearson As reported in a prior post, the Federal Circuit in Click-To-Call Tech. v. Ingenio, Inc., 2015-1242 (Fed. Cir. Aug. 16, 2018) (en banc) found in a divided 10-2 en banc decision that a voluntary dismissal without prejudice of a district court litigation...
by Marc S. Blackman | Sep 17, 2018 | Time Limits
By: Marc Blackman Timely IPR Petition A petition for inter partes review is timely if it is filed within one year of service of a complaint alleging infringement of the challenged patent on the petitioner, real party in interest, or privy of the petitioner. 35 U.S.C....
by Matthew Johnson | Aug 30, 2018 | Time Limits
By: Alex K. Chung Ph.D. and Matt Johnson In Click-To-Call Tech. v. Ingenio, Inc., 2015-1242, slip op. (Fed. Cir. Aug. 16, 2018) (en banc), the Federal Circuit found that a voluntary dismissal without prejudice of a district court litigation does not reset the one-year...
by Emily Tait | Aug 24, 2018 | PTAB Trial Basics, Time Limits
By: Emily Tait A recent decision by the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (“PTAB”) denying a petition for inter partes review serves as a stark reminder of the oft-repeated truism, “don’t wait until the last minute.” See VIZIO, Inc. v. ATI Techs. ULC, Case IPR2018-00560...
by Greg Castanias | May 1, 2018 | Federal Circuit, Time Limits
By: Jason M. Garr, John Marlott, and Greg Castanias By statute, an IPR cannot be instituted if the petitioner, real party in interest, or its “privy” was sued for infringing the patent more than one year before the petition for the IPR. 35 U.S.C. § 315(b). As we...
by Kenneth Luchesi | Mar 20, 2018 | PTAB Trial Basics, Time Limits
By: Kenny Luchesi disclaimer A few weeks ago, we posted an article discussing the Federal Circuit’s decision in Arthrex, Inc. v. Smith & Nephew, Inc., 880 F.3d 1345 (Fed. Cir. 2018). (see Disclaimer Before Institution May Not Avoid Adverse Judgment Estoppel). In...