Expired Patents Can Be Challenged

Expired Patents Can Be Challenged

By Amanda Simms* and Sarah Geers – Although it may seem counterintuitive, the PTAB has jurisdiction over expired patents, and patent owners may need to defend their expired patents in inter partes review.  The PTAB recently reiterated this in Apple, Inc. v....
One Party, One Voice

One Party, One Voice

By Alex Li and Matt Johnson – An inter partes review (IPR) before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) is a proceeding of the petitioner versus the patent owner.  In a situation where the petitioner or the patent owner consists of multiple entities, there...
Boardside Chat Discusses Remote Hearings

Boardside Chat Discusses Remote Hearings

By Sarah Geers – On April 11, 2021, the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) held a Boardside Chat webinar to discuss remote hearings in AIA trials and ex parte appeals.  The discussion featured panelists Lead judges Georgianna Braden and Jessica Kaiser, Deputy...