PGRs Still Rare – Is Estoppel The Reason?

PGRs Still Rare – Is Estoppel The Reason?

By John Marlott – A Post-Grant Review can be used to challenge newly-issued patents on wide-ranging grounds, but PGRs remain relatively unpopular: statutory estoppel may be a reason why. The America Invents Act (“AIA”) created new procedures for challenging the...
PGR Estoppel Applies to Unasserted Art

PGR Estoppel Applies to Unasserted Art

By Dave Maiorana – Due to the relatively low number of post-grant reviews (“PGR”) filed to date, not many district courts have spoken on the scope of PGR estoppel.  In GREE, Inc. v. Supercell Oy, No. 2:19-cv-00071 (E.D. Texas), Magistrate Judge Payne in the...